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Pressefriheden var ligeledes begrænset, da ethvert forsøg på at kritisere regeringen eller Coloradopartiet resulterede i ødelæggelsen af medierne, ligesom de ansvarshavende redaktører kunne risikere fængsel eller tortur.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Alfredo Stroessner Facts, information, pictures {{!}} articles about Alfredo Stroessner||access-date=2016-05-07}}</ref> På grund af dette havde Stroessner kun meget få politiske modstandere. De få som han tillod havde hovedsageligt til formål at være et symbol overfor resten af verden på at landet ikke var et fuldstændigt diktatur. Nær enden på hans embedsperiode havde Stroessner erklæret at han ville ophæve belejringstilstanden, omend han hurtigt trak denne erklæring tilbage efter studenter begyndte at protestere over billetpriserne på sporvogne.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Alfredo Stroessner Biography - life, children, wife, school, mother, son, old, born, college - Newsmakers Cumulation||access-date=2016-05-07}}</ref>
Stroessner enactedindførte severalflere positive economicændringer policies,af includingden theøkonomiske buildingpolitik, ofheriblandt theetableringen largestaf [[Hydroelectricity|hydroelectric]]verdens største [[Power station|power plantvandkraft]]værk ini theform world inaf [[Itaipu Dam-dæmningen]], developinghvilket styrkede [[EconomyParaguays of Paraguay|Paraguay's economyøkonomi]]: althoughselvom Paraguay receivedkun onlymodtog 15% of theaf contractskontrakterne, itvar wasdet aen majorstor factorindvirkende allowingfaktor the countryat tolandet havehavde theLatinamerikas highesthøjeste ratevækstrate ofi growthstørstedelen inaf Latin America for most of the 1970s1970'erne.<ref>[ '&#39;The Economist'&#39; Obituary: Alfredo Stroessner]. (August 24,. august 2006). Retrieved on 2014-08-21.</ref>
Stroessner alsodedikerede dedicatedogså largestore proportionsdele ofaf thedet Paraguayanparaguayanske nationalnationalbudget budgettil tomilitæret theog military and police apparatuspolitiet, bothder fundamentalbegge tovar thecentrale maintenancefor ofregimets the regimestabilitet. AccordingIfølge toen a 1963 articleartikel fromi ''[[Time (magazinemagasin)|Time]]'' magazine,i 1963 brugte Stroessner spenti 1962 33% ofaf the 1962det annualårlige budget on armymilitær andog policepoliti, 15% for [[EducationUddannelse ini Paraguay|educationuddannelse]], andog 2% for [[publicoffentlige worksarbejder]].<ref>[,9171,828019,00.html Dictator by Popular Request], ''[[Time (magazinemagasin)|Time]]'', February 22,. februar 1963</ref> ThereDer wasfandtes noingen income tax andindkomstskat, publicog spendingoffentligt wasforbrug thevar smallestden percentagemindste ofdel GDPaf inGBP Latini AmericaLatinamerika.
Furthermore, the construction of the Itaipu Dam, as well as the subsequently built [[Yacyretá Dam]] on the Paraguay–Argentina Border, displaced thousands of Paraguayans, pushing them from their homes, often without any restitution.{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}} The Itaipu Dam displaced at least 80,000 Paraguayans, and the Yacyretá was estimated to have displaced at least that many by December 2008.{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}} 160 workers died building the Itaipu Dam.<ref>[[#Gimlette|Gimlette]], p. 277</ref>
Stroessner was also known for many projects that improved the country's infrastructure. Amongst these were the improvement of highways and the issuing of 15–20 hectare land grants to military personnel upon completion of their service, provided that the land would be used for farming purposes.{{citation needed|date=May 2012}} Over 10,000 soldiers took up this offer.{{citation needed|date=May 2012}}
Most impressive was that by the end of the ''Stronato'', the second biggest city was Puerto Flor de Lis (renamed "Puerto Presidente Stroessner," then "[[Ciudad del Este]]"), founded just 32 years before.