Bruger:Jimmi Agerskov/Sandkasse3

Dean Winchester er en opdigtet karakter i The CWs serie Supernatural. Dean Winchester bliver spillet af Jensen Ackles. Han jæger dæmoner, sjæle og andre overnaturlige væsner, sammen med hans bror, Sam.



Dean Winchester blev født den 24. januar 1979 af John og Mary Winchester. Han er parrets første fødte, og er senere hen blevet storebror til sin fire år yngre lillebror, Sam.

Dean kører i en sort firedørs Chevy Impala fra 1967 (givet til ham af sin far). Dean er bl.a. også fan af classic rockmusik og heavy metal. Han bærer altid en messing amulet, som han har fået af sin bror Sam[1], der hænger på en lang stort snor. I afsnittet "A Very Supernatural Christmas" bliver det afsløret, at halskæden er en gave fra Sam juleaften 1991. Amuletten var oprindeligt til deres far, John Winchester, men da det igen mislykkedes ham at komme hjem til jul, gav Sam gaven til Dean. Han sagde at "far løj over for mig, jeg synes du skal have den," og fordi Dean desperat havde prøvet at give ham en god jul, gav han den til ham istedet. Udover amuletten har Dean altid en sølv ring på hans højre ringfinger. Han har også en lille sort tatovering øverst på hans venstre bryst, det er et beskyttende pantagram med stråler fra solen der omgiver den.

Det viser sig også at Dean er fan af Jack Nicholson, og muligvis også ser Oprah. Han plejer også at lave sjov ud af ham og Sams eventyr, og er kendt for at bruge grov humor og lave seksuelle hentydninger. Dean er skrækslagen for at flyve, og han påstår det er grunden til at han kører alle steder. Trods hans viden om livet efter døden, er han modstander af religion, og tror ikke fuldt ud på Gud. Han sætter hans familie og deres sikkerhed over alt, han vil sågar gå så langt at dræbe en dæmon og dens menneskelige vært, for at rede Sams liv. Han sælger bl.a. også hans sjæl for at redde Sams live.

Sæson 1


Tidligt i sæsonen ("Skin") møder Sam og Dean en shapeshifter, der står bag en række brutale mord i St. Louis, Missouri. Undervejs i afsnittet, skifter shapeshifteren form, så den ligner Dean. Politiet tror nu Dean er skyld i mordene, men det lykkes for Dean at dræbe shapeshifteren mens den har form som ham. Politiet erklærer nu Dean for død, og de to brødre kan fortsætte på sin jagt mod det overnaturlige.

Sæsonen slutter med at Sam, Dean og John flygter fra deres konflikt med Azazel, dæmonen med de gule øjne. Mens Sam kører John og Dean til hospitalet, kører en besat lastbilchauffør ind i dem, og forårsager stor skade til bilen og familien indeni.

Sæson 2


Alle tre Winchesters overlevede sammenstødet, selv om Dean havde flere skader end hans far og bror. I sæsonpremiere, "In My Time of Dying", ligger Dean i koma, og en reaper, Tessa, prøver at overbevise Dean til at dø. For at rede ham, laver John en aftale med Azazel, hvor han bytter sit liv for Deans. Før han dør, hvisker John noget i Deans øre, hvilket man ikke kan høre.

Igennem den første del af anden sæson, kæmper Dean med hans fars død, samt sin viden om hvem der burde være død. Desuden er han plaget af de sidste ord hans far sagde til ham. Midt inde i sæsonen, bliver det afsløret at Azazel vil prøve at vende Sam til det onde, og hvis Dean ikke kan rede Sam, skal han slå sin bror ihjel.

Under en undersøgelse i Baltimore, Maryland i afsnittet "The Usual Suspects", bliver Dean anholdt for at være i forbindelse med en række mord. Det bliver afsløret at Dean har en meget imponerende straffeattest, med sigtelser for svindel med kreditkort, indbrud og grav vanhelligelse. Selv om det lykkes Sam og Dean at bevise mordene er begået af en af detektiverne der undersøger sagen, er det uklart om sigtelserne mod Dean blev officielt droppet. Men problemet er stadig, at myndighederne har indset, at Dean er ikke død, som de førhen havde troet. I afsnittet "Nightshifter", har en gruppe FBI agenter, ledet af speciel Agent Hendrickson, halet ind på Sam og Dean i Milwaukee, Wisconsin, hvor forsøg på bankrøveri og flere mord, er føjet til Deans liste over formodede forbrydelser.

I slutningen af afsnittet "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", ligesom Dean ankommer for at redde hans yngre bror, bliver Sam dolket i ryggen og kollapser i Deans arme. Selvom Dean beder sin bror om at blive ved ham, dør Sam, og efterlader Dean alene som den sidst levende Winchester. Dean, som tror han svigtede, er for oprevet til at beskæftige sig med Sams død, og i et sidste forsøg, på at rede sam, begiver han sig hen til en korsvej, for at lave en aftale med Crossroads demon. Dean bytter Sams liv med hans sjæl, hvor efterfølgende bliver genoplivet, og Dean har nu et år tilbage at leve i. Til at starte med er det kun Bobby der ved hvad Dean har gjort, fordi Sam ikke kan huske noget efter Jack dolkede ham. Dean vælger at lyve for Sam, og fortæller ham det lykkedes Bobby at rede ham. Bobby bliver vred på Dean for hvad han gjorde, og Dean beder ham ikke at fortælle Sam hvad han har gjort, da det vil ødelægge Sam.

Azazel spørger Dean om han er sikker på, hvad han bragte tilbage er 100 % Sam, hvorefter Sam uden tøven dræber Jake uden nogen tegn på anger. Det lykkedes Sam ud af hvad Dean har gjort. Dean fortæller Sam han ikke skal blive vred, da han ikke kunne lade ham dø på denne måde. Sam sværger han nok skal få ham ud af dette, lige meget hvad. I slutningen af sæsonen dræber Dean Azazel med the Colt, hvor han befrier sin fars sjæl. Men under kampen slippede hundrede af andre dæmoner fri fra deres fængsel, og det er nu op til Sam og Dean at dræbe dem alle, hvor de samtidig også skal finde en måde at rede Dean, inden der er gået et år.

Sæson 3


In the third season premiere "The Magnificent Seven", Dean makes the best of his last year, not worrying about his safety, while Sam tries desperately to find a loophole in the Crossroad Demon's deal. While investigating a case with a family who apparently dehydrated in minutes, Dean, Sam, and Bobby team up with a pair of hunters, Tamara and Isaac. They soon realize they are fighting the "Seven Deadly Sins" when Isaac is killed by Gluttony, leaving the Winchesters, Bobby, and Tamara to fight the centuries-old demons. When one of the demons, Wrath, takes over Isaac's corpse and tortures Tamara with old memories, we learn that the couple had begun hunting when their daughter was killed by something supernatural. Tamara, unable to listen any more, rushes out the door, wiping away the salt. As Tamara beats the possessed Isaac, the waiting demons rush in to begin battle with the brothers and Bobby.

In "The Kids Are Alright", Dean meets up with Lisa, an old "acquaintance" from almost eight years prior, and finds out she has an eight year-old son, Ben, who seems to possess many of Dean's characteristics, from his love of classic rock to his speech and love of the ladies. While Dean is questioning whether this is his son or not, Sam meets the mysterious blond, Ruby, again who gives him the hint to search for the people his mother used to know. The brothers figure out that the kids are changelings and defeat the mother changeling. Dean is put at ease by Lisa, who assures him that Ben isn't his son, though he is somewhat disappointed. Meanwhile, Sam finds out that Ruby is a demon.

In "Malleus Maleficarum" Sam and Dean encounter three witches and get a little help from Ruby. They also learn that she used to be human, as were all the demons they've encountered. Dean also learns from Ruby that he can't escape his fate of dying in a year's time and becoming a demon himself. Dean must now train Sam to fight demons once he is gone.

In "Dream a Little Dream of Me", Bobby Singer falls into a coma, and Sam and Dean investigate the murder of a scientist. They end up trapped in Bobby's dream. Dean meets a nightmare version of himself that taunts him, saying that John Winchester doted on Sam, but only thought of Dean as a tool. After waking up, Dean admits to Sam that he doesn't want to die. Meanwhile, Bela steals the Colt.

In "Mystery Spot", Sam is forced to relive a Tuesday where Dean dies a different way each day. Sam realizes that the culprit is the Trickster, a villain from Season 2. It finally becomes Wednesday, but this time Dean dies and doesn't come back. Sam spends months trying to hunt down the Trickster, who reveals that he's trying to get Sam to understand that he and Dean can't keep making sacrifices for each other. The Trickster then sends Sam back to Wednesday.

In "Jus In Bello", the FBI and Agent Henricksen are able to capture Sam and Dean, thanks to a tip from Bela. While Sam and Dean are in jail, a host of demons come to kill them. Ruby comes to help them, but is furious to find out they have lost the Colt. She says that she knows of a spell that will destroy all the demons nearby, including herself, and that she is willing to die in order to help Sam. However, they will need the heart of a virgin. Sam and the virgin, Nancy, agree to the plan, but Dean refuses to let her die. Dean's plan to exorcise the demons works, but the police station is blown up by Lilith. Lilith, who takes the form of a little girl, is bent on killing Sam.

Dean continues to search for a means to stop his fate, but ultimately is told by Ruby that there is no way to prevent him from becoming a demon. After a 'conversation' with an image of his future 'demon form', Dean becomes more depressed. Shortly before the deadline expires on Dean's contract, he learns that Lilith, the demon pursuing Sam holds his contract.

Dean and Sam confront Lilith and her demon forces in a last ditch effort to protect Sam and save Dean's soul. Ruby appears and the three are chased into a room by a hellhound who has come for Dean. Dean quickly recognizes that she is being possessed by Lilith, but she incapacitates them. She then opens the door for the hellhound, which proceeds to tear Dean apart in front of the horrified Sam. Sam manages to regain control and recover the knife, but Lilith leaves Ruby's host's body before he can stab her. Sam then cradles Dean's bloody and lifeless body as he begins to cry. In the last scene of the season, Dean is shown in Hell, suspended in a void by seemingly endless chains and hooks through his flesh, crying out in agony for Sam's help.

Sæson 4


The fourth season of Supernatural starts four months after the third season finale. Dean awakes to find himself in a pinebox. He manages to dig himself out and finds a near by gas station, it's closed but Dean breaks in anyway. He gets some water, food, and a copy of Busty Asian Beauties. Before leaving the store he robs the register. He then sees the televison flicker on with static as well as the radio. The noise is to much for Dean. The windows in the station also break. Dean then manages to hot wire a parked car and steals it. He then makes a call to Bobby, who doesnt believe him. Dean then travels to Bobbys house where a fight ensues until Dean is finally able to prove to Bobby that its really him (by cutting himself with a silver dager and being unaffected by holy water thrown in his face). They try to contact Sam but his number is out of service. After doing some dirty work they track down Sam and they have a joyous reunion. Back in his Impala the brothers track down whatever force ripped Dean from Hell. It's later revealed that an angel named Castiel was actually commanded by God to pull Dean from the pit and tells him that he has a job to do.

Whether Dean remembers his time in Hell is ambiguious. Although his personality has not changed, and he claims to have no recollection of his time in the pit, there are hints that he may actually remember. Before he awakens in the box there is a close up of his eyes with a red light surrounding them with screams of torment and agony (both his own and screams of others being heard). Also, later in the episode, while he is in the bathroom of the motel Sam is discovered in, he looks in the mirror, the same scene is shown from the beginning of the episode, and Dean looks momentarily disturbed, indicating that he may remember some of, if not all of, his torment.



The Impala


Dean's trademark black 1967 Chevrolet Impala bears a Sedgwick County, Kansas (even though they are from Lawrence, Kansas) license plate KAZ 2Y5, a reference to Kansas, the Winchesters' home state, and 2005, the year the show premiered, was passed down to him by his father. It has been prominently featured on the series, beginning with the teaser of the pilot which shows John holding his two sons as he sits on the car and watches his house burn. Dean protects and cares for the Impala with almost the same devotion he shows to his family and often talks to it as though it were human, (Bloodlust and Simon Said).However despite his great love for the car, Dean attacked the back end of the car halfway through fixing it in Everybody Loves A Clown due to stress from his fathers secret about Sam. [2] The Impala is nicknamed the "Metallicar" after the rock band, (Metallica) which featured prominently in the fan-favorite, 'driver picks the music/shotgun shuts his cakehole' scene, from the pilot. In the season two episode "What Is And What Should Never Be", the number plate was changed from KAZ 2Y5 to CNK 80Q3 as the boys were hiding from the FBI.



Abilities and skills


Dean possesses extraordinary combat and hunting prowess; comprehensively trained by his father from early childhood as a paranormal investigator and hunter of the supernatural, he is established thoughout the series as a extremely dangerous individual, and he is more than capable of taking a stand against even the most formidable of opponents, such as demons and vampires.

Dean is well-versed with multiple types of fire-arms; he prefers his Colt 1911 and sawed-off shotgun, but is proficient with most other weapons he might acquire. An expert marksman, he seldom misses his intended target and can efficiently put down anything vulnerable to bullets. He is adept with martial arts and knife fighting as well; he has subdued several human assailants with ease in multiple episodes and bested physically more powerful creatures, often unarmed or equipped with only a blade; in "Night Shifter" he killed a shapeshifter armed with a simple silver letter opener; in "Fresh Blood" he managed to subdue a female vampire long enough to inject her with a shot of 'Dead Man's Blood'; in "The Magnificent Seven", he fought and held off several demons by himself, armed only with a flask of Holy Water.

Dean is also a proficient tracker and a very intelligent individual, possessing prudent tactical skills and an instinctive ability to 'read' behavioral characteristics and manipulate people. Highly resourceful, he frequently utilizes improvised weapons and explosive devices; in "Croatoan", he demonstrated knowledge in chemistry, constructing Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices, and in "Phantom Traveler" he revealed knowledge of electronics and reverse engineering, having built an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) detector from an old Walkman radio.

Dean also possesses extensive knowledge of the supernatural and mythology. He is versed with how police, fire departments and various government agencies (FBI, CDC) typically operate and conduct investigations, and knows how to evade them effectively. An accomplished mechanic, he maintains his Impala in top condition and has attained an intimate knowledge of automobiles and engines since childhood. Dean is a virtuoso of escape, evasion and silent movement, when the situation requires subtly and stealth. Lastly, Dean is also alarmingly skillfull in many areas frowned upon by the law; lock picking, breaking into security systems (not so much computers, which often falls to Sam), car jacking and gaining an 'advantageous purchase' comes naturally to him.



Dean tends to use a chromed Colt 1911 with ivory grips, which John is seen using in a flashback. He also uses a sawed-off double barrel shotgun when he needs extra firepower. Dean has also been seen with an MSG3 sniper rifle in "Simon Said." He is shown to possess a large machete in "Dead Man's Blood" and has used a knife in several episodes. He also posesses tazers which he and Sam used in the start of the season one "Faith", when he electrocuted himself. When weapons are scarce and Dean is in a dangerous situation, he uses hand to hand combat or whatever is available as a weapon.


  1. ^ "Dean's Amulet".
  2. ^ "Dean's Car".
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