If you are not familiar with Danish language please consider very carefully your contributions at dawp. --Pugilist (diskussion) 1. jul. 2022, 11:32 (CEST)Svar

@Pugilist: Hej! Beklager, jeg taler ikke dansk, så jeg vil bruge google translate til engelsk (Sorry, I don't speak Danish, so I'll use google translate to english) Before making edits, I carefully read the article about the Ukrainian language. And you see it because I put it on my page. I explain to you again why the name Tjernobyl is incorrect. This is a transliteration from Russian (Чернобыль), not Ukrainian (Чорнобиль). Respectfully --Бучач-Львів (diskussion) 1. jul. 2022, 11:52 (CEST)Svar
Thank you for your message. Most names of Ukrainian locations can be "translated" into Danish language simply using formal translitteration as these locations are not well known in Denmark and do not have a name in Danish. In the case of Чорнобиль the location and the nearby power plant is quite well known and has been known in Danish language as Tjernobyl. The form Tjornobyl is unknown in Danish. Thus, the correct name for the article is Tjernobyl.
I am quite aware of the Ukranian desire to swicth emphasis from Russian language (and Russian historical tradition) to Ukranian language (and Ukranian historical tradition). However, this is a complex and delicate discussion and shoud preferbly be made on a neutral basis despite the current circumstances. --Pugilist (diskussion) 1. jul. 2022, 12:44 (CEST)Svar



Stop. If you are not familiar with Danish you should be extremely careful. Danish is not English and English translitteration does not apply in Danish. --Pugilist (diskussion) 22. jun. 2023, 08:43 (CEST)Svar

I can see that you you wrote on my discussion page. No, you are blatantly wrong. --Pugilist (diskussion) 22. jun. 2023, 08:45 (CEST)Svar