Wikipedia:Landsbybrønden/Projektskabeloner og Wikidata

Projektskabeloner og Wikidata


Connect Projects from Wikipedia to Wikidata

We have projects on the Danish language Wikipedia. Normally we have the templates on the discussion page (like on ENWP). There has been a vote though to remove them from the discussion pages, and we're looking for a way to use alternatives.
The question is
Is it possible to connect pages in a database on Wikidata. For example: Project-properties as "P" with the articles as "Q" and qualifiers (like Stub, start, good, promising and excellent)
Se for example London which has 5 templates that say that the article is a "Good Article". But it falls under 5 projects. It should be possible for Wikidata to host the status of each article of a project on the various Wiki's.
For example
London falls under the scope of several projects. So The Wikidata article of London should get a property: Project - The Qualifier should then be Olympic Games, London, Cycling, Hanse, etc. The Danish Wikipedia would then place that article under a Qualifier like Status: "Good Article" and the Dutch Wikipedia maybe would place this as "Excellent Article". The LUA-module would do the rest.

Could this be achieved? I know that each wiki has it's own projects, but it would be beneficial for each wiki to compare. I hope to receive some positive thoughts. Kind regards,  Rodejong  💬 ✉️  12:55, 4 May 2017 (UTC)

@Rodejong: As far as I know this is being tackled by the project Multi-Content Revisions (phab:T107595). It has been in discussion for a long time, but it seems that finally it will be done, as it is also necessary for the Wikidata for Commons project. Once it is ready, theoretically you will be able to store and query that information.--Micru (diskussion) 15:08, 4 May 2017 (UTC)
@Micru: Thanks for the feedback. We'll have to wait then. :) Kind regards,  Rodejong  💬 ✉️  21:55, 4 May 2017 (UTC)

På Wikidata spurgte jeg om det var muligt at flytte vores projekter over på Wikidata. Det var efter forspørgsel af kollega Madglad der bragte dette ide på Chat. Svaret er: Der er et projekt (Multi-Content Revisions -> phab:T107595) der er i gang med at finde løsninger for at implementere et system, der vil gøre det muligt at gemme projekter og deres status på Wikidata, som derefter kan hentes i selve artiklen ligesom vi nu gøre med {{god}} og {{lovende}} for eksempel. Teoretisk set. For intet vides med sikkerhed før systemet virker. Men jeg holder jer opdateret angående dette projekt. Hvis der er spørgsmål eller kommentar, så må du endelig skrive herunder.  •   Rodejong   💬 ✉️ 5. maj 2017, 00:11 (CEST)[svar]

@Rodejong: A property for projects has been considered before and rejected because different wikis will likely have different projects associated with differing items, and we try not to get wiki-specific. As for the task feature you want, that's probably not MCR (though it might eventually plug in to MCR) but instead PageAssessments. (Ping Micru too.) --Izno (diskussion) 03:11, 5 May 2017 (UTC)
@Izno: Okay, that is unfortunate. Then we need to look for other possibilities. Thanks though for your feedback. Kind regards,  Rodejong  💬 ✉️  05:24, 5 May 2017 (UTC)

Okay, det var en skam. Det er åbenbart ikke første gang at idéen var foreslået men også afvist pga. at man ikke vil lave properties for specifikke Wikipediaer.  •   Rodejong   💬 ✉️ 5. maj 2017, 07:28 (CEST)[svar]

Jeg regner med at fremsætte et forslag i midten af juni (efter mine eksamener) om at skjule projektskabelonerne for dem der ikke vil se dem, samt at gøre disk-linket rødt hvis der kun er skabeloner på. Mvh. InsaneHacker 🕊️ (💬) 10. maj 2017, 08:08 (CEST)[svar]