Thank you for participating in this community project, Lamsec. (Danmark dansk)
We would like to give you the opportunity to be free and productive. Here are a few directions that might help you:

If you have any questions regarding this edition of Wikipedia, please visit our embassy.

Kind regards, Knud Winckelmann 22. aug 2011, 12:20 (CEST)



Hi. What's the deal with all the random images of animals on peoples userpages? Regards Knud Winckelmann 22. aug 2011, 16:15 (CEST)

Stop it. You know what'll happen, as on the other wikis. Knud Winckelmann 22. aug 2011, 16:27 (CEST)
 Du er blevet blokeret i et stykke tid på grund af hærværk.
Du vil ikke kunne foretage nogen redigeringer før denne blokering er udløbet. Slet ikke denne advarsel på denne side, da dette også vil blive betragtet som hærværk.

Hvis du mener at blokeringen skyldes en fejl, kan du rette henvendelse til den administrator der har blokeret dig; se blokeringsloggen.
You have been blocked as a result of you contributions of random images on userpages. You have been blocked on Italian and Russian Wikipedia as well and is seems obvious that your contributions have not been made in good faith. Pugilist 22. aug 2011, 16:40 (CEST)

On talk pages, not on brugerpages! (Skrev Lamsec (diskussion • bidrag) . Husk at signere dine indlæg.)