Skabelon:Infoboks lovgivende forsamling
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Infoboks til at bruge i artikler, som omhandler en lovgivende forsamling (f.eks. Folketinget). Denne skabelon er en oversættelse af den engelsk version, og er derfor ikke komplet oversat. Du kan finde svar på de fleste ord under Syntaks.
redigérDette er en skabelon som ment til brug for artikler, der henviser til lovgivende forsamlinger (nationale, sub-nationalt, føderalt, lokale, etkammersystem, tokammersystem, hvert af kamrene (hvis tokammersystem) eller hele kroppen), som findes (i øjeblikket funktion), ellers ikke eksisterede forsamlinger(opløste).
redigérname native_name transcription_name | |
legislature | |
[[Fil:coa_pic|coa_res|upright|alt=coa_alt]] | |
[[Fil:logo|logo_res|upright|alt=logo_alt]] | |
Type | |
Type | [[house_type]] i [[body]] |
Huse | houses |
Valgperiode | term_limits |
Historie | |
Grundlagt | foundation |
Opløst | disbanded |
Forudgået af | preceded_by |
Efterfulgt af | succeeded_by |
New session started | new_session |
Ledelse | |
leader1_type | leader1, party1 siden election1 |
leader2_type | leader2, party2 siden election2 |
leader3_type | leader3, party3 siden election3 |
leader4_type | leader4, party4 siden election4 |
leader5_type | leader5, party5 siden election5 |
leader6_type | leader6, party6 siden election6 |
Struktur | |
[[Fil:structure1|structure1_res|alt=structure1_alt]] | |
Politiske grupper i house1 | political_groups1 |
[[Fil:structure2|structure2_res|alt=structure2_alt]] | |
Politiske grupper i house2 | political_groups2 |
house1 Committees | committees1 |
house2 committees | committees2 |
Joint committees | joint_committees |
Valg | |
house1 valgsystem | voting_system1 |
house2 valgsystem | voting_system2 |
house1 sidste valg | last_election1 |
house2 sidste valg | last_election2 |
Motto | |
motto | |
Mødested | |
[[Fil:session_room|session_res|alt=session_alt]] | |
meeting_place | |
Hjemmeside | |
website | |
Footnotes | |
footnotes | |
{{Infoboks lovgivende forsamling | background_color = Baggrundsfarve, standard er grå. Format: #CCCCCC | text_color = Tekstfarve, standard er sort. Format: #CCCCCC | name = Navn | native_name = Lokalt navn | native_name_lang = Langt lokalt navn | transcription_name = | legislature = | coa_pic = | coa_res = | coa_alt = | logo_pic = | logo_res = | logo_alt = | house_type = | body = | houses = | term_limits = | foundation = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | disbanded = | preceded_by = | succeeded_by = | new_session = | leader1_type = | leader1 = | party1 = | election1 = | leader2_type = | leader2 = | party2 = | election2 = | leader3_type = | leader3 = | party3 = | election3 = | leader4_type = | leader4 = | party4 = | election4 = | leader5_type = | leader5 = | party5 = | election5 = | leader6_type = | leader6 = | party6 = | election6 = | seats = | house1 = | house2 = | structure1 = | structure1_res = | structure1_alt = | structure2 = | structure2_res = | structure2_alt = | political_groups1 = | political_groups2 = | committees1 = | committees2 = | joint_committees = | voting_system1 = | voting_system2 = | last_election1 = | last_election2 = | previous_election1 = | previous_election2 = | session_room = | session_res = | session_alt = | meeting_place = | website = <!-- {{URL|}} --> | footnotes = | motto = }}
redigérThe parameters are:
- background_color - header background color; may we suggest the dominant color of the house; DEFAULT = grey.
- text_color - header text color (to change if necessary); DEFAULT = black.
- name - the name of the Parliament/House (e.g. House of Commons (UK); Parliament of Romania).
- native_name - the name of the Parliament/House in the native language. Use {{plainlist}} for more than one native language (e.g. Parlamentul of României).
- native_name_lang - the language of the native name. Use ISO 639-2 code, e.g. "fr" for French. If there is more than one native name, in different languages, enter those names using {{lang}}, instead.
- transcription_name - the name of the Parliament/House in transliteration from the native language alphabet (if different than latin alphabet). Use
for more than one native language - legislature - the term of the on-going sesiion (e.g.: "40th Canadian Parliament"; "10th Legislature (of Las Cortes Generales)")
- coa_pic - coat of arms (Optional).
- coa_res - resolution of coat of arms (Optional. Default = 120px - Note: include "px" if selecting this).
- coa_alt - text representation of the coat of arms
- logo - logo (Optional).
- logo_res - resolution of logo (Optional. Default = 120px - Note: include "px" if selecting this).
- logo_alt - text representation of the logo
- house_type - bicameral/unicameral for assembly; upper house/lower house for the houses themselves.
- body - name of large legislative assembly if a chamber
- houses - names of the houses that make up the assembly; if more than one, separate with <br>.
- foundation - date founded. Use {{Start date}}
- disbanded - date disbanded.
- preceded_by - preceding legislature
- succeeded_by - succeeding legislature
- new_session - date of the new session. Use {{Start date}}
- leader1_type - title of a chamber leader (speaker, chairman, president, etc).
- leader1 - leader of the chamber.
- party1 - political party of leader.
- election1 - date that leader was elected.
- leader2_type - idem
- leader2 - idem
- party2 - idem
- election2 - idem
- leader3_type - idem
- leader3 - idem
- party3 - idem
- election4 - idem
- leader4_type - idem
- leader4 - idem
- party4 - idem
- election5 - idem
- leader5_type - idem
- leader5 - idem
- party5 - idem
- election6 - idem
- leader6_type - idem
- leader6 - idem
- party6 - idem
- election6 - idem
- seats - the (total) number of seats in the assembly; if more than one, separate with <br>.
- house1 - name of the upper/lower house
- house2 - name of the lower/upper house
- structure1 - image of the political structure of house1 (optional).
- structure1_res - resolution of the structure1 image
- structure1_alt - text representation of structure1 image
- structure2 - image of the political structure of house2 (optional).
- structure2_res - resolution of the structure2 image
- structure2_alt - text representation of structure2 image
- political_groups1 - list of the political parties/groups represented in house1.
- political_groups2 - list of the political parties/groups represented in house2.
- committees1 - list of the committees in house1.
- committees2 - list of the committees in house2.
- joint_committees - list of the joint committees in house2.
- voting_system1 - the voting system used for the house1.
- voting_system2 - the voting system used for the house2.
- last_election1 - the last election date for the house1.
- last_election2 - the last election date for the house2.
- previous_election1 - the election previous to this for house1.
- previous_election2 - the election previous to this for house2.
- session_room - image of the session room (Optional).
- session_res - resolution of session room (Optional. Default = 200px - Note: include "px" if selecting this).
- session_alt - text representation of image of session room
- meeting_place - the place where it meets: building (room), city (e.g. Palatul Parlamentului, Bucureşti).
- website - the assembly's/house's official website (Optional); use {{URL}}.
- footnotes - any necessary footnotes (Optional).
- motto - Motto.
redigér- Subtemplates
- Use {{start date}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
- Use {{coord}} for coordinates associated with the organisation (e.g. the location of its headquarters). A Geo microformat will then make these coordinates parsable, e.g. for use in online mapping, downloading to a GPS unit, etc.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Please do not rename or remove these classes
nor collapse nested elements which use them.
nor collapse nested elements which use them.