Brugerdiskussion:EileenSanda/Arkiv 5

Dette er akiv 5 af min diskussionsside på dansk Wikipedia. Det er beskeder fra 2018 og 2019

Nyheder for januar 2018


Frida Zachariassen


Hej EileenSanda. Jeg har oprettet artiklen om den færøske maler Frida Zachariassen. Desværre er der meget lidt umiddelbart tilgængeligt om hende. Kender du noget til hende på færøsk, som kan hjælpe til at forbre artiklen? venlig hilsen Rmir2 (diskussion) 4. jan 2018, 17:05 (CET)

Jo jeg har hørt um hende. Jeg skal prøve at finde nogle kilder om hende og evt. skrive noget mere. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 5. jan 2018, 13:18 (CET)
Tusind tak. Rmir2 (diskussion) 5. jan 2018, 13:43 (CET)
Jeg har nu udvidet artiklen om Frida Zachariassen en del. Jeg fandt en kilde fra dengang en del af hendes værker blev udstillet i Nordatlantens Brygge i København i 2012. Mvh. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 20. jan 2018, 12:46 (CET)
Det er fint. Mange tak. Rmir2 (diskussion) 25. jan 2018, 09:36 (CET)

WAM Address Collection - 1st reminder


Hi there. This is a reminder to fill the address collection. Sorry for the inconvenience if you did submit the form before. If you still wish to receive the postcard from Wikipedia Asian Month, please submit your postal mailing address via this Google form. This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems in accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email.

If you do not wish to share your personal information and do not want to receive the postcard, please let us know at WAM talk page so I will not keep sending reminders to you. Best, Sailesh Patnaik

Confusion in the previous message- WAM


Hello again, I believe the earlier message has created some confusion. If you have already submitted the details in the Google form, it has been accepted, you don't need to submit it again. The earlier reminder is for those who haven't yet submitted their Google form or if they any alternate way to provide their address. I apologize for creating the confusion. Thanks-Sailesh Patnaik

Måske af interesse for dig


Hej EileenSanda. Det vil måske interessere dig, at jeg har foreslået Færøsk fiskeri som ugens artikel. venlig hilsen Rmir2 (diskussion) 8. jan 2018, 17:51 (CET)

Hej, ja det gør det helt sikkert, tak for det :) Mvh. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 9. jan 2018, 15:39 (CET)

Dette er måske også interessant for dig: Wikipedia:Sletningsforslag/Søren Brøsted Nielsen. Jeg tagger dig lige der!  •   Rodejong   💬 ✉️  🖖 6. feb 2018, 00:15 (CET)

Rodejong, jeg har nu kommenteret på indlægget i sletningsforslaget. Mvh. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 6. feb 2018, 01:16 (CET)

Nyheder for februar 2018


Næstved nomineret til GA


Hej. Jeg har nomineret artiklen om Næstved til GA. Der er endnu ikke afgivet nok stemmer til en egentlig konklusion, og det ville være ærgerligt, hvis nomineringen falder ved få for stemmer. Du har før afgivet stemmer til GA-nomineringer, så jeg håber, at du vil give din mening til kende? Mvh. Toxophilus (diskussion) 26. feb 2018, 09:14 (CET)

Nyheder for marts 2018


Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

WMF Surveys, 29. mar 2018, 20:41 (CEST)

Nyheder for april 2018


Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey

WMF Surveys, 13. apr 2018, 03:39 (CEST)

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

WMF Surveys, 20. apr 2018, 02:49 (CEST)

Nyheder for maj 2018


Nyheder for juni 2018


Nyheder for juli 2018


Nyheder for august 2018


Nyheder for september 2018

10. årgang, nr. 9 - udgivet 1. september 2018

Invitation from WAM 2018


Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2018 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  2. We will have many special prize provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  3. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 23. sep 2018, 18:03 (CEST)

Nyheder for oktober 2018


27 Communities have joined WAM 2018, we're waiting for you!


Dear WAM organizers!

Wikipedia Asian Month 2018 is now 26 days away! It is time to sign up for WAM 2018,

Following are the updates on the upcoming WAM 2018:

  • Follow the organizer guidelines to host the WAM successfully.
  • We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  • If you or your affiliate wants to organize an event partnering with WAM 2018, Please Take a look at here.
  • Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Wikilover90 using ~~~~

Nyheder for november 2018


WAM Organizers Update


Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully, everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates and clarification of rules for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • Additional souvenirs (e.g. postcard) will be sent to Ambassadors and active organizers.
    • A participant's article count is combined on all language Wikipedias they have contributed to
    • Only Wikipedia Asian Month on Wikipedia or Wikivoyage projects count (no WikiQuote, etc.)
    • The global top 3 article count will only be eligible on Wikipedias where the WAM article requirement is at least 3,000 bytes and 300 words.
    • If your community accepts an extension for articles, you should set up a page and allow participants to submit their contributions there.
    • In case of redirection not allowed submitting in Fountain tool, a workaround is to delete it, copy and submit again. Or a submission page can be used too.
    • Please make sure enforce the rules, such as proper references, notability, and length.
    • International organizers will double check the top 3 users' accepted articles, so if your articles are not fulfilling the rules, they might be disqualified. We don't want it happened so please don't let us make such a decision.

Please feel free to contact me and WAM team on meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook. For some languages, the activity for WAM is very less, If you need any help please reach out to us, still, 12 more days left for WAM, Please encourage your community members to take part in it.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik

Lige til din orientering


Når du vurderer artiklerne vedrørende Wikipedia:Asiatisk måned bedes du være opmærksom på.at mit sidste bidrag, Konventionen mellem Storbritannien og Kina angående Tibet, af tekniske grunde ikke lod sig registrere. Jeg har rettet henvendelse til Le Loy om det. venlig hilsen Rmir2 (diskussion) 1. dec 2018, 16:36 (CET)

Hej EileenSanda. Det er nu lykkedes at få tilføjet den sidste artikel også. venlig hilsen Rmir2 (diskussion) 3. dec 2018, 06:49 (CET)
Hej Rmir2, det var godt at det lykkedes :) Jeg er gået i gang med at bedømme artiklerne, tak for din indsats. Mvh. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 3. dec 2018, 14:53 (CET)
Tak for din bedømmelse og tak for din korrekturlæsning. Når man oversætter en artikel, stirrer man sig "blind" og ser ikke de fejl, man selv har begået. Rmir2 (diskussion) 5. dec 2018, 18:14 (CET)
Jeg håber, at du også indberetter resultatet, selv om det blev lidt ensidigt i år. Rmir2 (diskussion) 6. dec 2018, 17:20 (CET)
Ja, jeg har nu indberettet resultatet. Mvh. --EileenSanda (diskussion) 8. dec 2018, 22:47 (CET)

What's Next (WAM)!


Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Tool problem
If you faced problem submitting articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 7th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Participates still can submit their contribution of November before December 5th at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 7th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.
Some Questions
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.

Thanks again, Regards
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 3. dec 2018, 05:59 (CET)

Nyheder for december 2018


WAM Postcard collection


Dear organiser,

Thanks for your patience, I apologise for the delay in sending the Google form for address collection. Please share this form and the message with the participants who created 4 or more than 4 articles during WAM. We will send the reminders directly to the participants from next time, but please ask the participants to fill the form before January 10th 2019.

Things to do:

  1. If you're the only organiser in your language edition, Please accept your article, keeping the WAM guidelines in mind.
  2. Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  3. Please update the status of your language edition in this page.

Note: This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email. Thanks :) --Saileshpat using MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 19. dec 2018, 22:15 (CET)

Nyheder for januar 2019


Invitation to Organize Wiki Loves Love 2019


Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an International photography competition of Wikimedia Commons to subject love testimonials happening in the month of February 2019.

The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects. February is around the corner and Wiki Loves Love team invites you to organize and promote WLL19 in your country and join hands with us to celebrate love and document it on Wikimedia Commons. The theme of 2019 is Festivals, ceremonies and celebrations of love.

To organize Wiki Loves Love in your region, sign up at WLL Organizers page. You can also simply support and spread love by helping us translate the commons page in your local language which is open for translation.

The contest starts runs from 1-28 February 2019. Independent from if there is a local contest organised in your country, you can help by making the photo contest Wiki Loves Love more accessible and available to more people in the world by translating the upload wizard, templates and pages to your local language. See for an overview of templates/pages to be translated at our Translations page.

Imagine...The sum of all love!

Wiki Loves Love team

--MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 6. jan 2019, 13:33 (CET)

Nyheder for februar 2019


Nyheder for marts 2019


  Flere kvinder på Wiki

Nyheder for marts 2019 (beklager fejlen første gang)


Nyheder for april 2019


Nyheder for maj 2019


Nyheder for juli 2019


Invitation from WAM 2019


Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you are all doing well! Now it's a great time to sign up for the 2019 Wikipedia Asian Month, which will take place in November this year (29 days left!). Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. Please add your language project by 24th October 2019. Please indicate if you need multiple organisers by 29th October.
  2. Please update your community members about you being the organiser of the WAM.
  3. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  4. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.
  5. If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 2. okt 2019, 19:03 (CEST)

Hej Eileen. Har du tænkt dig at deltage i år? Spørgsmålet er ment uforpligtende. Hvis du melder dig, vil i hvert fald jeg nok også deltage som tidligere. Venlig hilsen Rmir2 (diskussion) 21. okt 2019, 08:13 (CEST)
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